In response to a complaint jointly filed by the Durham-Chapel Hill Jewish Federation and Voice4Israel, Durham’s Human Relations Commission (HRC) plans on proposing at their monthly meeting tonight that the Durham City Council rewrite their divisive April 16, 2018 statement by removing the singling out of Israel.
The HRC recommends revisions to the April 16 statement that are far better written and omits Israel’s name.
Voice4Israel is deeply appreciative of the HRC’s research, outreach, efforts, thoughtfulness, and time spent to bring clarity to this vital issue.
Voice4Israel is deeply appreciative of the HRC’s research, outreach, efforts, thoughtfulness, and time spent to bring clarity to this vital issue.
In their draft report, the HRC writes, “Because of the process by which the statement was passed and the fact that the statement could have been written more clearly in some parts, we believe the statement contributed to tension in our community. We also believe there are steps that can be taken to address this…The City Council should revise the language in the April 16th language [statement] to provide clarity based on the concerns and findings outlined here…”
The HRC plans to vote on this proposal at their December 4 meeting.
Voice4Israel will be following this issue closely and bringing you more news and analysis in the coming days and weeks.
Show Your Support
We urge you to consider writing the HRC, to their Chair Diane Standaert, using her email: [email protected].
Your email to Ms. Standaert should be brief and complimentary, expressing appreciation to the subcommittee for their intense study and care. Urge all the HRC commissioners to support the draft. Avoid all mention of the anti-Israel activists who petitioned the HRC and City Council. You may be tempted to argue relatively small parts of the HRC’s report, but that will not help and may hinder our getting a vote of approval. If you live in Durham it is meaningful, so be sure to include that in your letter.
We at Voice4Israel are grateful for your support and patience in this meaningful effort.