Durham Discriminates
In April of 2018, Durham, North Carolina became the first city in the United States to boycott police trainings with Israel – the only Jewish majority country on the planet. No other countries were singled out or mentioned. As explained by the Mayor Pro Tempore of Durham, the City Council issued “a statement affirming a city policy against police exchanges with Israel.” Read the full one page summary.
On April 16, 2018, The Durham City Council put Israel – and by extension – the Jewish people, on trial. The Council opened the door to public anti-Semitism. We provide the reader three very important talks, one by Rabbi Zalman who summarizes our concerns so very completely; the second video demonstrates the evil encouraged by singling out if Israel at the Council, and the third showing the disdain for the excellent Durham Police Force and misunderstanding of the issue at hand by at least one member of the Council.
Read these in-depth articles
- Rabbis call Durham City Council statement citing Israel a ‘punch in the gut‘
- Part 1: How Durham Came to Discriminate Against Israel and the Jewish People
- Part 2: How Durham Came to Discriminate Against Israel and the Jewish People
- Part 3: How Durham Came to Discriminate Against Israel and the Jewish People
- Update: Durham NC Pro-Israel groups organize against City Council ban on police exchanges with Israel
- Demonizing Israel – From Durham to Gaza
- Taking Public E-Mails Private: How Durham City Council Promotes Anti-Israel Discrimination by Avoiding Transparency
- Support police participation in exchange programs with Israeli counterparts
Records obtained through freedom of information requests
- Statement from Durham City Council
- Original Chief Davis Memo and related emails
- Edited, Published Memo-from-DPD-Chief-Davis-to-City-Manager-Bonfield
- Version of JVP Petition with signatures given to Durham City Council on 4-5-2018
- Mayor Schewel Waives Mandatory 10 Day Sign Up
- Request to Appear at City Council Work Session
- JVP and Students Requesting 10 Day Sign Up Waiver
- Emails from Mayor Schewel to City Manger Bonfied and the City Council Using Personal Email Accounts
- Durham Council Code of Ethics
- JVP’s Lobbying of Elected Officials Info Packet
- Chief Davis’ Original Memo (3-30-18) and related emails
- Sanitized, Published Version of Chief Davis’ Memo (4-4-18)
- DeDreana Freeman Public Business Emails in Personal Account
- Durham Email Retention Policy
- Jillian Johnson Email for BDS Purposes
- Durham Human Relations Council Commission Request from the Jewish Community
- Lobbying DeDreana Freeman
- Tom Stern lobbies Charlie Reece
- Tom Stern attachment to Charlie Reece – Demilitarize FAQ City Council 11-4-17
- Demilitarize FAQ City Council 1-25-2018
- Tom Stern lobbies Mayor Steve Schewel
- JVP-led Petition with unauthorized use of synagogue’s name
- Jillian Johnson Email – Police Exchanges with Israel
- Israel Resolution Email from Jillian Johnson
- DeDreana Freeman, City Attorney, Personal/Public Email
- Mayor Schewel writes the “Israel Resolution”
- Jillian Johnson’s receipt of signing Action Network petition
- Jillian Johnson Dismissing a Respected Jewish Leader
- Council Person Middleton Dismisses a local rabbi
- Training from Israeli security forces – Thomas Bonfield Deleted Email
- The Israel Resolution
Some of the many letters sent to the Durham City Council speaking out against anti-Israel discrimination
- 10 Area Rabbis
- Anti-Defamation League Letter (4-12-18)
- Charles H. Ramsey – Retired Philadelphia Police Commissioner (4-8-18)
- Fraternal Order of Police Letter (4-13-18)
- Letter from Jewish Federation of Durham Chapel Hill
- Judea Reform Congregation Letter to Mayor Schewel
- Letter from Beth El Synagogue Board of Trustees
More articles
- Rescind Resolution
- Say No to Durham’s Proposed Demonization of Israel
- United Rabbis’ Letter to Durham City Council Members April 2, 2018
- Stan Robboy’s Response to INDY Article Regarding JVP’s Petition to Condemn Durham Police Exchanges with Israel