Israel Under Fire: From Green to Black, Turning Israel to Ash

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Israel under fire

Amy Rosenthal shares her memories and pictures of a beautiful Israel landscape with our readers. 

"With 678 fires so far, crops burning and animals burned alive, where is the outrage?"

Israel Burns from Hamas Attacks

As Israel burns from Hamas attacks, day after day for more than 100 days, why is the world silent? With more than 678 fires so far, crops burning and animals burned alive, where is the outrage?

Josh and I visited Israel near the Gaza border and the town of Sderot when we were on our StandWithUs mission trip, right before the fires started in April. We met families who were working hard to grow precious crops. We saw beautiful greenery in the countryside. We visited greenhouses where delicious tomatoes were grown with great care. The members of the moshav we visited near Sderot took a lot of pride in their hard work, and for good reason. It’s hard hard living to make such land produce for the people as they do. I have included a photo from the roadside, one from a home in Sderot and another of the amazing greenhouse.

Now, these fields are black and dust. All the labor for nothing. It’s time for the world to stand up and say NO to Hamas!

Amy Rosenthal is a Voice4Israel board member and part of our outstanding Farmer Market’s team

Video courtesy of the Israeli Defense Forces 

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