Durham’s Mayor Steve Schewel recently alleged that Retired Chief Jose Lopez, Sr. received military training in Israel.
Leadership of Voice4Israel contacted the Durham Police Department for clarification about the relevant Seminar that Retired Chief Jose Lopez, Sr. attended in Israel in 2008.
The memo below, dated October 10, 2018, is the answer provided to us by Durham Deputy Chief A. R. Marsh, Sr. In no way does it support allegations that Retired Chief Lopez received military training in Israel.
For background, read “The Israel Resolution” and Rabbis call Durham City Council statement citing Israel a ‘punch in the gut.’
Police Memo
Chief Lopez Received No Military Training from Israel
October 10, 2018
Good morning Mr. Gutman.
I am writing to provide a brief response to the inquiry you submitted to Sergeant Ligo; I have included your original inquiry at the end of this email.
As it pertains to Chief Lopez’s (Ret.) training trip to Israel, no one else from our police department accompanied him. There were no policy or tactical changes resulting from Chief Lopez’s visit to Israel. The scope of his training was on leadership in response to terrorist incidents and mass casualty events. There was no interaction with the military or training on military tactics, equipment, etc. I confirmed this with Chief Lopez via telephone.
With respect to the multiple civil disturbances that we have dealt with in our City, I have been in the command post for most of them, and all measures taken by law enforcement have been in response to the behavior of the crowd at that given point in time. The tactics employed were the best practices at that time here in the United States.
I hope that this has answered your questions satisfactorily.
Best regards,
A. R. Marsh, Sr.
Deputy Chief
Investigations and Administrative Services
Police Department, City of Durham
505 West Chapel Hill Street
Durham, North Carolina 27701