In November, the Durham Human Relations Commission (HRC) presented a draft proposal recommending that the Durham City Council removes the singling out of Israel from their divisive and discriminatory April 16 statement.
Judith Siegel, a Durham resident, sent the Durham HRC the strong letter printed below.
Read more letters to the Durham HRC here.
Letter to the Durham Human Relations Commission
November 29, 2018
Dear Mr. Ricardo and Ms. Standaert,
I reside in Durham and have lived in this area for 52 years. I was heartbroken to think that my own city could issue such a hurtful and untruthful statement about “military” policing by Israel. I also watched the proceedings leading up to its being passed and could not believe the venom expressed that day. Could this be my city? It left me in tears.
So it was a relief to read your knowledgeable and thoughtful draft report. Thank you, thank you, for helping to right a wrong. I want to express my fervent hope that it will be passed by the full Commission.
Judith Siegel