Voice4Israel would like to share some of our favorite podcasts that regularly discuss Israel and other issues that are important to the Jewish community. These podcast recommendations include media that are left of center, right of center, and squarely in the center. The next time you are taking a walk, driving to work, or exercising check out one of these podcasts.
What is your favorite podcast on Israel and Jewish issues? Send your podcast recommendations to [email protected].

Two Nice Jewish Boys: An Israeli Podcast in English.
This podcast is published by the Jewish Journal.
The two young hosts are Zionists who live in Israel that tackle a range of issues. Recent topics have included archeology in Israel, anti-Semitism on campus, gender, a Neo-Nazi who converted to Judaism, and Israeli elections. This podcast to be somewhat left of center on some issues.

AJC Passport: A Weekly Podcast on Global Affairs
This podcast is published by the American Jewish Committee and describes itself as “a weekly podcast analyzing global affairs through a Jewish lens.”
Recent topics include the Ethiopian protests in Israel and exploring Trump’s foreign policy. One recent episode was a polite discussion which included two members of Congress – one Democrat and Republican to discuss anti-Semitism.

The Land of Israel Podcast
This podcast is published by the Land of Israel Network and features a number of hosts. Our favorite host is recent Voice4Israel speaker Gil Hoffman who is editor at the Jerusalem Post.
Recent topics include Can Barak Beat Bibi?, Is the Labor Party Really Dead?, and a Prater for Prosperity in Bahrain, and Jewish living under military control. The hosts for this podcast lean moderate and right of center.

Tikvah Podcast
This podcast is published by the Tikvah Fund which is a philanthropic foundation and ideas institution committed to supporting the intellectual, religious, and political leaders of the Jewish people and the Jewish State.
Recent topics include Eternal Life, America’s Standoff with Iran, Jewish Communism, The Miracle of Jewish Continuity, the Legacy of Charles Krauthammer, and much more.

Fault Lines Podcast
This podcast is published by the Jewish Daily Forward and is hosted by former Voice4Israel speaker Daniel Gordis and by Peter Beinhart. This is a debate-style podcast that is both polite and hard hitting.
While the Forward is typically considered a progressive, far left publication, Zionists will be impressed by Gordis’ strong arguments. Season one of this podcast is particularly interesting in its in-depth discussions about the Israeli/Palestinian conflict and efforts to boycott Israel.