In November, the Durham Human Relations Commission (HRC) presented a draft proposal recommending that the Durham City Council removes the singling out of Israel from their divisive and discriminatory April 16 statement.
Gerhard L. Weinberg wrote the letter below to the Durham HRC. Dr. Weinberg is a world renowned historian, North Carolina resident, and Professor Emeritus of History at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Weinberg is author of many highly acclaimed books including A World at Arms: A Global History of World War II and Hitler’s Foreign Policy 1933-1939: The Road to World War II.
Read more letters to the Durham HRC here.
Letter to the Durham Human Relations Commission
November 17, 2018
Dear Ms. Standaert,
While my wife and I live in Efland, we belong to Judea Reform Congregation in Durham. As a retired professor of history who taught the first course on the Holocaust ever offered at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill I was astonished and disappointed to hear about the Durham City Council’s anti-Israel action. Now I have been pleased to learn of the excellent report on this matter prepared for the city’s HRC which you chair. I do hope that the HRC will approve the report as its official position on this issue.
Respectfully yours,
Gerhard L. Weinberg