Understanding and Fighting Campus Antisemitism
If you are a student or know of a student facing antisemitism, Voice4Israel recommends the following works on standing up to campus antisemitism.
- A useful and relevant guide: ADL: Tools for Dealing with Anti-Semitic and Anti-Israel Incidents on Campus: “How Can I Be Prepared For Anti-Semitism and Anti-Israel Bias on Campus?”
- How to Fight Anti-Semitism by Bari Weiss
Voice4Israel is Committed to Helping
If you are student facing antisemitism on campus or a family member who wants to help, reach out to Voice4Israel at [email protected] and we will do our best to connect you with supportive resources. We have done it before with success and are eager to help connect you with our friends in student support and advocacy.
Supportive Organizations
Listed below are some of the major organizations active in support of Jewish and pro-Israel students on campus. There are also institutional avenues on every campus for students to turn to for support such as: The Dean of Students, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and the Office of Diversity & Inclusion.
Chabad on Campus Extremely welcoming with unrestrained enthusiasm for the Jewish State.
Hillel International The campus premier home for Jewish students. Promotes engagement with Israel and supports Jewish values and identity on campus campus.
StandWithUs Pro-Israel activist group on campus, with very thorough informational brochures, speaker events, and fellowship training programs; legal support.
The Louis D. Brandeis Center Fights legal battles against antisemitism on campus.
The ADL A leader in fighting antisemitism with a strong investment in the campus situation.
AMCHA Initiative A non-profit organization dedicated to investigating, documenting, educating about, and combating antisemitism at institutions of higher education in America.
AIPAC on Campus Prepares campus leaders to be pro-Israel and politically active.
Jerusalem U Source for digital media content and movies: “Crossing the Line” Trailer
Israel Action Network Created by Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) to mobilize support for Israel.
Israel on Campus Coalition Strong campus pro-Israel activism.
Students Supporting Israel (SSI) Impressive grassroots student-created organization.
Hasbara Fellowships Provides excellent fellowship training for student Israel activists.
CAMERA on Campus Media watchdog with student fellows on multiple campuses.
Alums for Campus Fairness Organization for alumni to positively influence universities about Israel.
Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) Works to protect Jewish college and high school students from intimidation, harassment and discrimination, and in fighting anti-Semitism
The Lawfare Project Provides pro bono legal services to protect the civil and human rights of the Jewish people worldwide.
A Wider Bridge Works for LGBTQ inclusion in Israel, and for equality for Israel in the Progressive Space.
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