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Latest Past Events
Annual Hanukkah Sufganiot Competition: Presented by Voice4Israel
3319 Cathedral Bell Road Raleigh, NC 27614 3319 Cathedral Bell Road, RaleighClick here for more information. It's that time of the year again. Join us for the annual Sufganyiot competition! We will run 2 competitions: 1- Home made competition 2-A local bakery competition So we have 3 options: -Make your own Sufganiot -Bring some from a local bakery -Or just bring an appetizer/desert/ or a drink. ...
Meet Heroes of the IDF: Courage and Sacrifice
127 Mallette Street Chapel Hill, NC 27516 127 Mallette Street, Chapel HillMeet our soldiers, heroes of the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces), who will be speaking and engaging with students at college campuses all over the United States. The soldiers will share personal stories of their challenges and traumas as they were severely injured in the line of duty. Their talk will leave an eye opening message ...